Emergency Dentistry Near You

Whether it’s a knocked-out tooth, a broken jaw, or a lacerated lip, a dental emergency can occur at any time. At North Pointe Dental Clinic, our priority is to offer our patients prompt, effective, and stress-free dental care in any scenario. We offer emergency dentistry in Country Hills so that our patients can rest assured that they can turn to a dentist they trust in times of duress.

dental emergencies in country hills

Common Dental Emergencies

There are many situations where you simply can’t wait for an appointment and need immediate dental care. Here are some of the most common scenarios that require emergency dentistry services:

Toothaches, Infection, Abscess, or Cavities

If you suddenly experience an intense toothache, it may indicate a serious dental issue such as an abscess or infection. You must address this as soon as possible to prevent the infection from spreading and alleviate your pain. If you visit our dentist near you for this problem, they may treat you with a dental filling, root canal therapy, or tooth extraction, depending on the severity of your situation.

Cracked, Broken, Knocked-Out, or Chipped Teeth

If you break a tooth, or a tooth gets knocked out entirely, you will need to visit a dentist in Country Hills as soon as possible. If you have knocked out a tooth, rinse it with warm water, being careful not to touch the root. Store it in a cup of milk, or hold it between your cheek and gums until you can get to North Pointe Dental Clinic. The sooner you get to a dentist, the better the chances are of saving your tooth.

A Lost Dental Restoration

If a previous restoration, such as a dental crown or filling, falls out, store it in a clean, dry place, and visit our team of dental professionals as soon as possible to prevent damage or infection to your tooth.

We Offer Emergency Dentistry Near You

If you are ever faced with a dental emergency, you can rest assured that our North Pointe Dental Clinic team is here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact us any time a dental emergency occurs; our dentist in Country Hills will be more than happy to assist you.